If you ever lose heart and the earth seems as distant as stars fading into the noise of your busy mind, know this. That a tiny island exists in the blue hands of the ocean. That a tree grows upright into the salted clouds. That two eagles love each other enough to spend their lives greeting the morning sun together. That two eaglets stand in their nest, gazing at the heavens. Looking down to the forever ground. They eat and sleep and flap their wings. And one day in July, one by one, they will jump into the air. They will know the difference between existing and what is beyond. They will hold onto nothing. The hurricane will come, courage catching their pinions on fire, as they mount the wind, climbing ladders into realms of the invisible.

--T.L. Stokes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Seed Falls in the Field

The sound of a seed which falls in the field
shatters the heart open,

grandmother maples who throw their hands
across the belly of earth

glance my way.

And I say to my daughter
the sun:

Say hello to my grandbaby Lemon.
Sing it a song today,

tell it about what you are seeing,
white frosty morning.

Play some beautiful classical music
to swim to.

Tell it we love it so much
that the colors of the world
dim slightly,

the sun turns to us,
the moon tips down,

and one still,
quiet night in May

your arms will be waiting.

for Heather and Derek
and the lovely lemon

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