Shamanic Spiritby Kenneth Meadows
The Soul is a body of light.
It is an inner light...
Light is a form of energy
and your Soul is your body of
...your Soul..exists
in approximately the same
spatial location as your body,
and interpenetrates it,
it exists in another plane...
the Dimension of the Soul.
...your Soul,
like your mind,
is a non-physical aspect
of your total Self..
..not that your soul
is an extension of your physical being,
..your physical body
is an emanation of your Soul.
...the Soul is as real
as the physical body.
More 'real' in fact, because
it has greater
You are a Spirit.
Not a body with a Spirit,
but the very opposite..
a Spirit
with a physical body.
A Spirit with a mind.
A Spirit with a Soul.
A composite being comprising
body, mind, Soul and Spirit..
...The Soul
may be regarded as the 'Light'
of the individual,
whereas the Spirit
is the 'Life'--the essential being.
The Spirit is the original being
before the manifestation
of form.
...So the Real You is spiritual,
with physical and mental outlets.
That which is spiritual cannot be seen,
but its presence can be felt
and it is aware
of its own existence.
You, then, are a Spirit--
aware of your own existence,
of your own individual identity,
of your own unique being-ness
here on the Earth.
A spirit with a physical body
through which it can experience
the consequences
of its own choices
and actions..
Life on Earth is thus a journey
made by the Spirit
through the 'slower' vibrations
of physical reality..
...in order to express itself
through physical world experiences
and so shape and fashion
its own future-
its own destiny.